Mentoring Institute
English Russian


Boris Tkachenko, CEO Mentoring Institute took part at the open lectures ‘Startup Workshop’ on the 5th of October, in the framework of Youth Day of the Russian Energy Week 2019.


On the 28th of September, the conference ‘Business Mentoring: Support for Burgeoning Entrepreneurs and for Employees’  in the framework of municipal forum ‘New Opportunities Times’ took place in Nizhnevartovsk.


The plenary meeting of the 2nd Mentor Regional Forum “I work, therefore I am” timed to coincide with the Mentor Day of Ulyanovsk Region was held on the 26th of September.


On the 25th of September, round table ‘Mentoring as a tool to build business culture’ was held in the framework of the 2nd Regional Mentor Forum ‘I work, therefore I am’, timed to coincide with Mentor Day in Ulyanovsk Region, was held at the premises of Entrepreneurs club of Ulyanovsk Region.


On the 20th of September, the Accelerators League round table took place at the Don State Technical University.

The key topic was mentoring in entrepreneurship. The experience in implementation of mentoring programmes was presented by special guest Boris Tkachenko, CEO Mentoring Institute, Moscow. Boris drew special attention to the methods and effectiveness of this kind of training.


On the 18th of September, the Mentoring institute experts Boris Tkachenko and Irina Gorelova held the Mentoring Forum as part of the agenda of the VIth Eitingon Managerial Platform ‘Projection into Future: 2020’ at Petrovsky book club in Voronezh.


On the 23rd of July, Boris took part in a press conference summarizing 3-month Acceleration Programme implemented by MOST Business Incubator in the framework of JastarBusiness project together with Citi Foundation and YBI. “Over 100 startups representing 9 federal regions decided to join the programme this year.


Boris Tkachenko and Anastasia Isupova, YBR Programme Coordinator in Kirov, launched the next mentoring round in this region on June 4 and 5.


On May 28-29, Bob Garvey and Boris Tkachenko spoke at the International Online Conference ‘Mentoring in Business. Nuances of Implementation’, organized by the International University ‘Global Coaching’.


Boris Tkachenko and Irina Gorelova held several events in the framework of Entrepreneurs Day, organized by YBR partner in the Russian southern regions Center Invest Bank, on the 27th of May in Rostov-on-Don.

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Boris Tkachenko, CEO IBLF Russia, CEO Youth Business Russia, CEO Institute of Mentoring

Irina Gorelova, YBR Development/Regions/Mentoring Director, Project Manager at Institute of Mentoring

23, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, 125047 Moscow
Ò: +7 985 960 40 21 WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber



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