Accelerators League Round Table on Mentoring in Rostov-on-Don21.09.2019 On the 20th of September, the Accelerators League round table took place at the Don State Technical University. The key topic was mentoring in entrepreneurship. The experience in implementation of mentoring programmes was presented by special guest Boris Tkachenko, CEO Mentoring Institute, Moscow. Boris drew special attention to the methods and effectiveness of this kind of training. The round table participants told about their mentoring success stories at municipal, national and even international level. It was decided to carry out the Mentoring Day next year in Rostov-on-Don and to invite successful entrepreneurs and mentoring experts. The round table was followed by a tour of Garage industrial co-working space. The guests of the University familiarized with the residences’ projects, visited metal forming and prototyping workshops and OpenSpace premises
ContactsBoris Tkachenko, CEO IBLF Russia, CEO Youth Business Russia, CEO Institute of Mentoring
Irina Gorelova, YBR Development/Regions/Mentoring Director, Project Manager at Institute of Mentoring
23, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, 125047 Moscow Media
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