Youth Business International holding seminars for YBRJune 12-17, 2017 On June 12-17, Youth Business International and its member in Brazil Alianca Empreendedora held two international seminars for Youth Business Russia in Moscow. The seminars were delivered by Carol Appel, Head of Entrepreneurship Training at YBI and entrepreneurship trainer, and Mauricio Picanco, training advisor in Alianca Empreendedora and trainer. YBR regional coordinators and trainers from Moscow city and Moscow Region, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kirov, Rostov, Krasnodar, Primorije (Vladivostok) and Yugra took part at the workshop. APOENA, the first seminar, was dedicated to trainers’ essential skills upgrade and development, including conflict management, creativity, dealing with frustration, adaptation to change, communication, receiving feedback. The participants learned to apply facilitation methods and make use of theoretical concepts (andragogy, group dynamics, experiential). PAJE, the second seminar, covered analysis and review of entrepreneurship training methodology. The participants obtained understanding of the methodology building process (iceberg), relevant learning and entrepreneurship theories and approaches that can support methodology building process (e.g. effectuation, lean start-up, business model generation, andragogy, group phases etc.); understanding of importance of, and approach for, systematic knowledge management; learn tools for methodology building, development of an action plan and methodology implementation; understanding of building and embedding of new processes and materials within the new methodology, test tools for systematization of knowledge management. |
ContactsBoris Tkachenko, CEO IBLF Russia, CEO Youth Business Russia, CEO Institute of Mentoring
Irina Gorelova, YBR Development/Regions/Mentoring Director, Project Manager at Institute of Mentoring
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