Mentoring Institute
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Mentoring at the Forum “Altai. Growth Point-2017”



On the 6th of June, the lectures on the concept of mentoring and specifically mentoring in entrepreneurship globally and in Russia were delivered for the participants of BusinessPROFI and Growing Business sections at the “Altai. Growth Point-2017” forum.  Boris Tkachenko, CEO and co-founder of IBLF Russia and Institute of Mentoring, CEO of Youth Business Russia (Moscow), covered the topic at length.

At the beginning, Boris asked the young people to explain their understanding of mentoring. The participants defined a mentor as someone who “sets an example”, “can give an assessment of our activities”, “can sum up and provide feedback”. As Boris commented, there was some truth in each reply. “Mentoring in entrepreneurship differs from mentoring in other areas in a way. In general, mentoring is based on the development approach that relies on mentee’s strengths. A good mentor considers the mentee’s background: skills, knowledge and ideas, and helps to grow”, Boris explained. Besides Boris stressed the importance of systemic work: “Mentoring works if growth-motivated mentors and mentees are identified in a town or region.” Effective cooperation between experienced entrepreneurs and beginners is implemented free of charge via Youth Business Russia programme. Boris Tkachenko, CEO of YBR told that the programme has been operating for 9 years in 11 Russian regions. The programme is based on the experience of youth business programmes in India, Argentina, Scotland and other countries. The pilot region on the programme was Voronezh. The programme is not working in Altai yet, however the conversation between Boris and young entrepreneurs at the forum platform showed the demand for the programme. Boris expressed the willingness for cooperation and stressed that to build the mentoring programme it was prerequisite to identify mentors, energetic mentees and entrepreneurs association that can coordinate the process.

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Boris Tkachenko, CEO IBLF Russia, CEO Youth Business Russia, CEO Institute of Mentoring

Irina Gorelova, YBR Development/Regions/Mentoring Director, Project Manager at Institute of Mentoring

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