May 22-26, the second stage of mentoring programme in Almaty26.05.2017 On May 22-26, the second stage of mentoring programme was launched in the frame of the Youth Business Kazakhstan programme (YBK), implemented by MOST business incubator. Boris Tkachenko, CEO of Youth Business Russia and CEO of IBLF Russia and Institute of Mentoring, together with his colleagues at YBK Alim Khamitov and Dinara Babich delivered the seminars for mentors and mentees, organised matching and first matches meetings. This visit is the third stage of Youth Business International support for YBK. During the first visit in March 2016, John Cull, the founder of YBI mentoring system, and Boris Tkachenko helped to build the strategy and tactics of mentoring implementation, that allowed YBK to complete promotion campaign and selection of first mentors and mentees. As the second stage in September 2016, Boris and John held the seminars for mentors and mentees, matching, first matches meetings and consultations for YBK team. This approach helps YBK to adopt the best practices and to work independently. In the frame of the growth supervision system of YBI mentoring programmes, the further support for YBK will be provided by Boris Tkachenko, who will act as supervisor of his colleagues in Kazakhstan. At the same time, John is acting as supervisor for Boris, and in the same way, YBK managers will supervise their local colleagues when the programme expands throughout the country. |
ContactsBoris Tkachenko, CEO IBLF Russia, CEO Youth Business Russia, CEO Institute of Mentoring
Irina Gorelova, YBR Development/Regions/Mentoring Director, Project Manager at Institute of Mentoring
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